Have you ever had that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach?Well, I have a few times, not many but two or three really hurt my heart. That feeling that I
made a wrong choice or did not do something
that I should have! But it was too late to undo
what ever it was or to stop and turn back and
do it right ?
Now I see my son going through a bad one! Oh a big one!
His girlfriend wanted him and her to quit their jobs together, that they could do better with their lives. Make more money to buy a house. Right? She had worked there 3 years? Him 9 years and 11 months, yep a month away from his 10 year award! He knew that business inside and out ! Okay so they planned and he quit, ......... she still works there! She now gets a bonus in a few months of around $46,000.00?
I said Isupported him no matter what he decided about quiting! But to know there are few jobs out there thatare dream jobs and he would find the same problems with work places,with the same kind of people who are trouble makers or brown nosesalmost every where he goes. But to find a full time job first before he quit. But that he could go back to the Company, asthey left the door open for him to return! .....
I had my doubt looks I guess, as he kepttrying to justify his decision to me for weeks after wards, when hefound out his car needed major work done and the he would live off me speech etc ..... Now he finds out he lost out on $300,000.00 bonus at closing deal of Company plus the extra 8 months ofwork there and with health benefits ?
Oh yes, he is very angry! He says that is the lasttime he willlisten to any old busy bodies about his life and what he should do withhis life or how much better he is then the job he has!
Gads, I hurt right along with him, as it breaks my heart to hear thisnews and see his pain! One of those sinking ship moments of life, thatis too late to undo. and that feeling in the pit of your stomach thingyou get when it hits you! Wrong move!
My son would have gotten $300,000.00 if he had stayed, plus the extra 8 months of work! All down the drain now!
Drug distributor McKesson Corp. will buy McQueary Brothers Drug Co. of Springfield, Mo., for about $190 million.
McQueary is a private, family-owned company that distributes drugs and other products to about 400 pharmacies in Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Iowa. McKesson will fold the business into its own drug distribution unit.
San Francisco-based McKesson (NYSE: MCK) is 175 years old. In addition to pharmaceutical delivery, it also supplies other medical products and equipment.
Two brothers, Les and Fred McQueary, started McQueary Brothers in 1924.
Do I need to say more? With a hurting heart for her child ....
A later Note to add:
His GF just mentioned something about if he had gotten his Bonus and end closing .... extra money she would have had a home paid free and clear! Wait a minute?????? Extra money if one stayed to closing of Company????
He sat down and figured it up, from her info of what she got and found out that he also lost an extra $88,000.00 !!!!!!!!!
Thanks for that info to add to his pain!!!!!!!!! WOW!
Well, how many can say that they were that close to that much money at one moment in time at a regular job they work at.????? Ah yes, what a year! I am so sorry my dear son.