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Monday, February 27, 2012
At Buffalohair Universe, He Is Back! Radio Music Shows Are Back On The Air!
Ann LRD on February 26th, 2012
!! Show Time !!
Tune In At Buffalohair Universe
He Is Back! Music Radio Shows Are Here Again!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Buffalohair, CA. Miwok Tribe Wins Tribal Sovereignty Case, Exposing Absolute Corruption
CA. Miwok Tribe Wins Tribal Sovereignty Case, Exposing Absolute Corruption

Chadd Everone/Ludwig, Albert Seeno, Sheppard Mullin and an army of politicians from both sides of the isle at state and federal levels have been exposed. Over 2,500 documents, correspondents and court filings downloaded from Chadd Everone/Ludwig’s web page identify senators, congressmen, state and federal officials from the BIA, DoJ and other agencies. This intricate web of corruption has plagued the CVMT for over 12 years as they struggled to save their tribal sovereignty. The incendiary documents prove beyond a shadow of doubt the Tribe was targeted to steal their blood lineage by unscrupulous well funded people. Chadd cried foul but court officers verified the site was open to the general public and not hacked. Call it a Native American Wikileaks but the information gained was priceless.
Documents revealed Senator Dianne Feinstein went out of her way to stop the tribes 638 funding through crony’s Jerry Gidner of the BIA & Arlo Smith of the Gaming Commission in an effort to starve the tribe out of existence. In one response Jerry told Dianne not to worry, letting her know the fix was in against the tribe. She denied involvement or knowing the criminals involved in the Miwok scam but documents and e-mails prove otherwise. It was just a coincidence she was a fellow trustee of a bank with one of the culprits or maybe she forgot. Dianne’s involvement in the casino scam and debasing the tribe is all too apparent, even a blind man can see the CVMT was a victim of fraud and her fingerprints are all over it.
Dianne’s husband’s association with unscrupulous developer Al Seeno alluded to even more collusive activity against the Miwok People. Unfortunately she was not the only high profile politician who used her influence to destroy this feisty band of natives. Documents reveal deep involvement with other high profile politicians in bed with common criminals and its well worth the read. The implications strike at the core of democracy itself and this is only the tip of the iceberg. There is much more to disclose but I am not privy to reveal them at this time. But rest assured the Miwok are still under siege as their counsel’s continue to peel off the many layers of corruption this case consists of.
Money talks and California still refuses to give the tribe their funding that was withheld, to the tune of $8 million, as unscrupularity plays out its final hand. Sheppard Mullin threatened to drag out this case in perpetuity. The federal government is still in the arrears to the tribe with a bill in excess of $600,000 and it is clear corruption is still waiting in the wings. To make things even more convoluted, the tribe is yet to be allowed the opportunity to appear in a hearing involving their case. This is disturbing since it was also revealed some judges have bias against natives. Why does that not surprise me?
Hopefully the feds will not allow the bogus Newok’s, (a term to describe bogus Miwoks with no heredity) into the legitimate Miwok Nation when the final decision comes to pass. Though this tribe proved their legitimacy as the true CVMT, the courts still skirted the return of tribal funding that was illegally withheld. CVMT Director of Economic Development/ Consultant Tiger Paulk likened this to a Pyrrhic victory since the CVMT won but at such a continuing and devastating cost to the true tribal people and their wellbeing. They are still in limbo with no funding for infrastructure, social services, healthcare and the basics of any community but they don’t have to worry about someone stealing their identity. After all, who would want to be a federally recognized tribe with no means of survival other than food stamps and commodity cheese? Hmm, I like commodity cheese.
Under the stewardship of Larry Echohawk of the BIA justice was served, almost. From the tribes point of view the government vindicated the tribe and its sovereign rights as a federally recognized people. Unfortunately the government threw them under the bus while further litigation continues since they left the tribe to fend for themselves in spite of their vindication. How far beyond stupid is that? Or was it intentional? On the bright side, the Obama Administration did manage to extend unemployment benefits. This is a blessing to the tribe since they have been fighting for the sovereign rights of all tribes in America on unemployment checks and spare change. The irony I found was the fact many nations did not want to get involved or show solidarity for this tribe but now tribes are using the precedence the CVMT made in federal court involving sovereignty issues. I was amazed at the lack of simpatico when I approached a native radio show in an effort to garner more exposure back in 2007. “They will never win” was the response I got. Well bonehead, just be glad I don’t snitch you off for your callous disregard for this nation’s plight.
Later I learned from several elders why some tribes were hesitant to speak out. No one wanted to loose what meager funding they already were receiving for fear of retribution from ruthless BIA officials. Knowing now how deep corruption runs within the BIA it is a substantiated fear indeed. From Tiger’s perspective it was not about the money as much as it was about retaining their birth right and tribal identity. There was plenty of misinformation to swirl around as well and many people did not know the actual facts about the case. Spin doctors peppered the communities with bold faced lies as Newok’s ran around pleading their case to all that would listen. Some folks were very convincing but a lie is a lie no matter how they dressed or what they said.
Tiger Paulk spoke to me as to the tribes’ point of view; “They would rather be the last California Valley Miwoks on earth and if they died, the tribe would die with them and cease to exist rather than giving up their lineage to imposters to falsely represent the tribe for all time.”
It was not about stealing a tribe from some saintly old man named Yakima Dixie. It was about saving the CVMT from unscrupulous investors and developers whom manipulated an individual member and tribal elder to sign his nation away in a realm of fraudulent documents written up by Chadd Everone/Ludwig acting as an attorney. Yakima was no cherry but in his defense he was also swindled from the start since he was not allowed legal representation when Chadd drafted the infamous documents. Chadd was not an attorney and had no authority to draft such a document in this guise further compounding the fraud. Eventually, in federal court under oath Yakima came clean and recanted all the fraudulent claims he made against his own people leaving egg on the faces of politicians, developers and bogus Newok’s. Tiger said at that moment in the room where Mr. Dixie’s sworn deposition was also being videotaped was precious since all the fraudsters present lowered their heads while their counsels franticly whispered in dismay. Isn’t that special?
Having tribal documents that substantiated the legitimate CVMT claims also weighed heavily against the criminal cartel of politicians, developers and Yakima. But the coup de grace and most incriminating piece of evidence in the case came from Chadd Everone/Ludwig via his information packed web site for it gave names, dates and e-mails from all players in this case. The detailed files and correspondents were most illuminating and showed total disregard for the law from politicians who were elected to enforce them. Developers faired no better since the dialogue uncovered a conspiratorial relationship that is unacceptable in a civil society. The files are a smoking gun that will truly raise eye brows for years to come. The revelations are sure to taint even the most illustrious political careers of so called public officials and history will not be kind. It would be interesting to note what other cases these harbingers of fraud are involved in and there is no question the web of corruption will grow as the contents of Everone’s files are fully realized.
There are no words that could do justice in describing Tribal Chairperson Silvia Burley. Educated, articulate, determined and well versed in tribal law, Silvia is a cut above and even in the face of total disrespect from attorneys and government officials she forged forward. In spite of threats to her and her nation’s lives and livelihoods she marched forward in true warrior flare. Tiger Paulk calls her the Miwok SEAL with regard to her ‘special forces’ like prowess in all matters concerning the tribe. The dark side to this case is the fact veiled threats flew against her and her people. I guess you can toss in courage for she stood her ground and refused to back down or give an inch. Legal Counsels Robert A. Rosette LLC and Manuel Corrales ESQ are proof nobility still exists in the world for their legal expertise in this case is priceless.
There is no question I left out volumes of interesting and incriminating details within the context of this story. I suggest you log onto the California Valley Miwok Tribe site. They have all adjoining court documents of this landmark case. There will be more updates in the future as this case hopefully comes to a close in the future
Your Devil’s Advocate
Tags: CA. Miwok Tribe Wins Tribal Sovereignty Case, Exposing Absolute Corruption
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Buffalohair, Preparedness, a Word to the Wise
Preparedness, a Word to the Wise

Does not matter what part of the planet you live on the possibility disaster may strike your neck of the woods is growing exponentially daily. It could be a flood, tornado, cyclone, wild fire, winter storm, earthquake etc; do you have a contingency plan? What have you done to prepare for the known events that are common in your region? Do you have a survival pack at the ready if you have to run out the door? Where will you go? What about your infant child or elderly grandmother? Are you prepared to save their lives as well as yourself? Sounds kind of scary huh and it should because death is a very real consequence if you don’t take this issue seriously. Disaster will turn into personal tragedy and nothing worse than watching a loved one die
As a former associate director of the Office of Emergency Management & Firefighter I can not stress hard enough how important it is to have a game plan for survival. I’ve written plans, participated in table top exercises and full blown exercises with many departments with mutual aid participation. Ironically I participated in an air crash scenario exercise after a real passenger jet crashed in Colorado Springs, United Flight 585, killing all 25 people onboard. What a group of coordinated professionals they were and it was truly an honor working with them. Working with multiple agencies in these exercises taught me the importance of preparedness, cooperation and training. I have FEMA certifications in my repertoire and though you may not be responsible for the wellbeing of a community you should have some knowledge of preparedness this agency has to offer, for your family’s sake. It’s free.
Though we live in a world filled with advanced technology there is no technology that can streamline or expedite an emergency response from first responders at any level of government. Ask a survivor and they will tell you it can take a week or more before help arrives since logistics is a major concern. Will the bridges and roads be passable? Where will planes land if the airstrip is destroyed? 911 switchboards will load beyond capacity if you were lucky enough to still have a phone or electricity. If fires broke out there are no doubts emergency services will be stretched beyond its limits to contain the blaze. Rescue operations, security and a host of other concerns will also slow response time to your location. Be prepared to treat injuries and bivouac for at least 7 days. Water, Water, Water for without water in 3 days you will die.
In many cases emergency services within a stricken region can also be destroyed extending the time before help arrived even more. A dear friend walked around with a shard of glass impaled in her chest for weeks before she found assistance after Hurricane Andrew. She lived in the direct path of the hurricane causing total devastation as far as the eye could see. Only by shear grit did she survive to tell her tale. The stories she told me were horrific since human carnage was everywhere and after a week the air carried the stench of rotting bodies, and help was still ‘on the way’. Eventually the government dug mass graves and buried scores of people before pestilence spread throughout Dade County. Katrina should be a stark reminder that you can’t always depend on others and it also stresses the point that survival is in your hands when it comes down to it.
I worked on the recovery efforts in Los Angeles California after the 1994 Northridge Quake and found many roads impassable at best, even weeks after the quake. The devastation was astronomical and that was a little shaker at 6.7 m. but it looked like an atomic bomb struck. Imagine being woken up at 4:31 in the morning as your house goes surfing on a seismic wave. For some people they simply woke up to Dante’s Inferno and were burned to a crisp when a gas main ruptured and caught fire. Others were crushed to death as building came down like a stack of pancakes. What I witnessed never made the news as whole sections of the community were sealed off and away from the public eye. It was hard to fathom the totality of this disaster but I can safely say some people never had a chance, survival pack or no survival pack. They were obliterated in a stew of meat, iron and concrete. My heart still goes out to those poor souls who died on that fateful day.
Tornados are another experience I managed to survive in the Pan Handle of Oklahoma and I really don’t know how I managed to get out of that one. It was more like a dream as I dodged trees, debris and other junk as a series of twisters ravaged Northwest Oklahoma and it was late at night. In hindsight I should have stayed on my rez and gone to a 49 after our social. But what a feeling of helplessness as nature flexed her might. I truly felt like a little bug waiting to be crushed as I tried to find safety. Being on the road was not exactly the best place to be. There were multiple tornados across Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas with major loss of life on that evening I later learned.
Gads, I drove through several twisters and had no clue where I was going since I could not see other than dirt and trees whizzing around through my headlights. Where was I going to hide? I felt buck naked at Sunday school in a crowd of nuns. I only caught a glimpse of the twisters as lightening flashed and transformers exploded. I was traveling, totally unprepared and unfamiliar with my surroundings and that was a formula for death if I ever saw one. Maybe I should have heeded the emergency broadcast warning before I left my nation. At least I would have known where the shelter was. The Lord protects children and fools and I guess I qualified. Relatively unscathed, I only had a broken windshield, some sand blasting on the ole paint job and a need for another pair of boxers, holay!
There is no question people will die during any catastrophic event just by the shear nature of disasters. But with some preplanning you will increase your survivability quotient 100 fold. Knowing where the shelter is and paying attention to emergency broadcasts will keep you out of as much danger as humanly possible. Having a survival pack with essentials to last at least a week will insure you will not suffer as much if your community is completely devastated. You must pay attention to your surroundings and know where to go in a time of crisis. And you must instruct your family on what to do if you are at work or out of the house. There are many concerns that should be addressed before a disaster strikes. For diabetics and other people who require special medical needs preplanning must include the medications you need to sustain life including its storage.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has provided comprehensive tips, guides and a host of resources so you can responsibly plan and prepare for disasters. Whether you follow the FEMA *guidelines or you decide to utilize other preparedness resources the bottom line is the fact you are taking measures to protect you and your loved in the event of catastrophe. You may survive disaster but you also need to survive till help arrives to assist you further and that can take a week or more depending on your location and the type of disaster you are confronted with. First responders will have their hands full and logistical concerns will weigh heavily on response time.
I worked in events with mass casualties and had to perform emergency rescues, triage and prepare a dust off for Flight for Life and do body recovery with limited personnel. We wore many hats that day so I know how hard it is to be everywhere at once, let alone the exhaustion factor when the adrenaline wears off. That’s when it can get dangerous to the first responder. In most cases there is only a hand full of first responders locally. Budget and manpower cuts in all branches of emergency services across the country is a recipe for disaster especially now. In a crisis police, ambulance and fire department personnel will undoubtedly be overwhelmed by the shear magnitude of some events. And it will simply take time for federal agencies to asses and prepare a coordinated response. If there are multiple events nationally resources will be stretched even further. Do the math; it is up to you to survive until help arrives. The life of your family depends on it. That back pack sitting in the corner will be the key to your survival. If you don’t prepare it may truly be the end of the world for you and your family.
Your Devil’s Advocate
NASA – Warns Employees to BE PREPARED
Posted in Space with tags disaster, emergency, NASA, preparedness news on February 11, 2012 by BuffalohairBuffalohair Gazette International Archives 2009- 2012
NASA – Warns Employees to BE PREPARED
Voyager Finds Magnetic Foam at Solar System’s Edge
Solar/Volcano / Earthquake Watch Feb 9-13, 2012
SOLAR ACTIVITY UPDATE: Filament Eruptions Associated With Earth Bound CMEs (Feb 11th, 2012)
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