Mountain Country

Mountain Country
My own Art

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The World Protests Corporate and Governmental Corruption

The World Protests Corporate and Governmental Corruption

It should be more than apparent that the people of the world are fed up with corporate and governmental collusion and greed. Though the mainstream media has failed to connect the dots, the Occupy Wall Street movement is actually non partisan and poised people against the cancer that has infected governments. Now anti Wall Street/Corruption protests are spreading around the world and the media is scrambling to find fault while politicians try to use it to their advantage. If only they knew the public is sickened by all politicians’, democrats and republicans alike. Many people I’ve interviewed say:
“It’s about time”

The World Protests Corporate and Governmental Corruption

It should be more than apparent that the people of the world are fed up with corporate and governmental collusion and greed. Though the mainstream media has failed to connect the dots, the Occupy Wall Street movement is actually non partisan and poised people against the cancer that has infected governments. Now anti Wall Street/Corruption protests are spreading around the world and the media is scrambling to find fault while politicians try to use it to their advantage. If only they knew the public is sickened by all politicians’, democrats and republicans alike. Many people I’ve interviewed say:
“It’s about time”
There are others who’ve invested heavily in the Wall Street Ponzi Scheme and granted, they are not pleased but for the most part the Wall Street protests have the hearts of the American people. The bi-polar response to the Mid-East’s cry for democracy only highlights exactly how dysfunctional Washington and the corporate world really are. Learning that corporations and governments of the free world were secretly funding the now fallen dictators in the Mid-East including Muammar Gaddafi should have been a very red flag reflecting how corrupt our planet has become. The mainstream media has glossed over the true nature of the growing international Wall Street revolt that is at our doorstep. Occupy Wall Street has taken on a life of its own. After all, Wall Street and its corporate thugs bankrupted nations around the world for fun and profit, just because they can.
Basically it’s the people of the world against governments who’ve become the front men for morally bankrupt international corporations. It’s the so called elite class against 7 billion people who’ve been subjugated and literally starved to death so elitists can buy platinum toilet seats and summer homes in Kennebunkport Maine. Russia and China are not exempt for their leadership is already caught up in the web of the globalization scam. Putin and Medvedev have embraced the New World Order as well as China’s treasonous dictators who replaced communism with corporate fascism. The mainstream media is also in their fetid pockets as well. Only problem is; the elitists also control armies and police forces and this will make for a bloody bedfellow in the future.
It is almost comical to watch as politicians try to jump on the band wagon of this budding anti-corruption movement since they are part of the problem not the cure. Corporate corruption has infected politics on all sides of the isle on all continents plain and simple. The prophesized ‘wave of conscience’ has arrived and India is an example of this trend since the arrival of anti-corruption Guru Anna Hazare started his campaign. Granted, the mainstream media has all but ignored this tidbit of news from India and with good cause since this might become contagious. Whether the Occupy Wall Street enigma was started by the right or the left is of no consequence now since it has grown exponentially and evolved into an anti-corruption movement that is all encompassing. Laughably the mainstream media is caught in a quandary as their reporters struggle to dress extremism as the core elements of this movement. Ironically it is unconstitutional extremism and treasonous activity perpetrated by politicians for the sake of lobbyists and corporate thugs these protests are all about. Though there are many factions that make up this movement the core message is:
“We Are Fed Up with Corporate and Governmental Corruption and Lies”.
From an Indigenous point of view this is old news since corporate and governmental corruption and lies were the cornerstones of our experience with Europeans who graced our shores over 500 years ago. Funny part is; the perpetrators of these egregious crimes against humanity are the ancestors of the same elitists who are manipulating markets and destroying lives around the world today. So tag; you’re it since we are already colonized in reserves throughout the America’s and soon you will be placed in ‘economic zones or unions’ solely for the benefit of corporate profits, cheap labor and the exhausted New World Order. It’s all about the money and the sooner you wise up the sooner you will realize you have been taken for a fool. Like they say:
“A fool and his money are soon parted”
The time of change is upon us and every aspect of our existence both physical and spiritual are in a state of flux and this movement is only one of many that are destined to unfold in the era we live. Like an onion; governmental and corporate corruption has many layers and Wall Street is only one of them. When the totality of corruption comes to light governments will resort to murder and incarceration to stem this wave of conscience but the cat is already out of the bag. We have entered a more virulent phase of earth changes as prophecies in many sacred works come to pass. While some people await the arrival of the so called Anti-Christ I hate to burst your bubble but this metaphorical creature has already arrived with a vengeance, like thieves in the night.
The good news is; this reign of greed will be short lived because Ma Earth has other plans and there is not enough gold in the universe to alter mankind’s destiny. It’s always darkest before the dawn and mankind has only entered the sunset of civil society. Prophetically speaking; our journey will only get darker before we feel the warmth of humanity once again. It is promising to note there is a silver lining regardless if we survive this phase or not for there will be survivors and I’m OK with that. For me this OWS protest is just another sign as prescribed within the texts of many dogmas including mine. Like a road marker this event marks the beginning of the end of an era of greed that spanned many generations. And all I can say is:
“Let the Games Begin”
Your Devil’s Advocate

Ann Little Running Deer via Carlos TheZilla

Carlos TheZilla shared a link.

Wall Street sit-in protest goes global

MILAN (Reuters) – Protesters worldwide geared up for a cry of rage on Saturday against bankers, financiers and politicians they accuse of ruining global economies and condemning millions to poverty and hardship through greed.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Buffalohair, Space G*D or Space Fraud

Space G*D or Space Fraud

It is more than obvious the elite class has a ‘secret pal’. As the ever vanishing middle class considers anything paranormal poppycock elitists are immersed in mysticism, soothsayers, astrologers and a sacred connection with spirits and/or aliens. For the most part, they are a G*DLESS lot eh. Hoarded; within the axioms of many exclusive sects lay a wealth of sacred knowledge writhe with incantations, ceremonies and secrets of the universe. Only problem is, these elitists and their ancestors were hanging out with celestial scum for millenniums and soon the joke will be on them. If only people paid more attention to their sacred books and not their change purse.

Since before the time of Charlemagne, encounters and mass sightings have been chronicled in print, paintings and stone. There were no weather balloons or stealth aircraft to mistake or blame these anomalous events on. From all indicators these medieval folks mistook some unsavory star people for G*D’s and the rest is bloody history. If only they knew to check and see if these space punks were good or evil. Maybe Charlemagne and his trigger happy descendants would not have murdered and pillaged their way through the ages for some dork who claimed to be G*D. People forget the Creator or G*D is a perfect being and does not have the attributes of man such as ego, anger, hate, revenge, lust and all the other stuff we are plagued with. That should have been a major red flag since true G*D does not share the short comings of man, just low life entities.

When someone says G*D is angry I know they are not taking to or about G*D. This jealous and angry G*D routine reeks of something man penciled in. If it does not fit you must acquit and G*D is all about love and not someone to be fearful of. What is that all about? I’m telling you first hand when I saw the light of the Creator I felt like a child reaching in desperation for that loving warmth and sanctuary. This pissed off G*D people talk and write about is not G*D, just shady space dude, spirit or whatever, pulling a fast one on humanity.

Space dudes are only on our plane of existence, technology and all. Gads, they still need ships and flashy doodads to trip around in. And what’s with the anal probing eh? Can’t say I ever experience that one. Just don’t get ga ga over the first Tom, Dick or Alien Being that lands in your pasture and tells you they are G*D. Tell them to park that thing next to the old Dodge by the barn and leave your cows alone. Actually this is when you dip into your spiritual tool bag and get the medicine within your tradition to deal with these dorks. They are like any spirit; some are good and some are screwed. Don’t get your panties in a bunch since people from around the world are becoming more acutely aware. There are stories about good star people who spoke of their place in the sky and taught good things to the people they visited. Some say these folks were related to us. They were not G*D’s but they spoke of G*D in a good way and promoted morality. It’s a far cry from the materialistic mentality of the new world order. Why don’t people talk about those cool sky guys? Guess its more fun to talk about the enema bandits from space. That’s just nasty…

‘G*D or Creator’ does not need techno-mechanical means to zip around the universe nor do other spirits and entities, good or bad for that matter. I think those old painting showing G*D and Jesus playing with some antennae or sitting in a flying saucer are stupid and a classic example of how the ancients got hooked up with the wrong star people. Only primitive butt-head life forms require technological devices to cruise through wormholes or eye the naughty bits of passengers at the airport. Space dudes are like anyone else, there are good ones and there are bad. The technique used in identifying good and evil spirits is the same technique used on all entities, in my tradition anyway. There are some rude apparitious douche bags out there and you can’t be too careful these days. So get your medicine and don’t be stupid. Surely they are not G*D’s just your garden variety space dude.

With the increasing presence of spirits and other entities on this planet it is obvious we are poised for some interesting times. I can’t really tell you how it’s going to shake down but you better stock up on goodies so you don’t miss the show. There are other spirits one must be aware of but I don’t want to give you an ulcer. They’ve been out there pulling capers on humanity since before the time of Abraham so it’s not like they just showed up or anything. They are just getting a little friskier these days. This time of change dictates that we all will experience events we never before experienced. Many events will dumbfound our primitive science and we will learn exactly how stupid our culture really is. Space guys and other entities are only a small part of the anomalous events we will experience and all dogmas of the universe give you the tools needed to cope, if you pay attention.

From an indigenous point of view it’s the same ole same ole since our cultures always knew there were good and bad spirits, space guys included. Our ancestors chronicled encounters in stone and if you paid attention your ancestors did the same, hello MacFly. Fortunately there are many other people who share visions of the truth but they are silent for fear of appearing like aluminum cap wearing whizz-bangs. The secrets coveted by an elite group of people over the centuries are not secrets at all for there are no secrets within the spirit world. Maybe that’s why spirituality is under assault because people would know the truth if they were truly spiritual. In a world based on lies and deception this could be financially and politically catastrophic. In short, don’t let anyone try to convince you they are G*D’s just because they are spirits or space people for they truly are not.

Call it guilty by association if governments try to convince you they are in consort with benevolent beings, just look at who they shared technology with. And as they say, birds of a feather flock together and these space scums are no better than the elitists they associate with. I simply lump all spirits in two categories; good or evil and I think you should do the same. And if Space Man Spiff tells you he is your G*D tell him to take a number and get to the back of the line.

Your Devil’s Advocate